
It feels so good to be able to be home relaxing. We've had such a busy weekend! Saturday we went to Old Navy to get Flip Flops for $1, It was just as bad as day after Thanksgiving shopping too many people in a store =/ .. Me and Nick went shopping and got some new clothes, I really needed some summer time clothes, Wearing jeans here in Florida just doesn't work. Its way to humid and it feels like my pants stick to my legs. Yuck!

We bought new curtains today :) I've been wanting to get curtain since i moved in this place.. They look really good.. I want to get some kind of floral vine thing to wrap up around the top.. I just have to find a place that sells what i am looking for.

1 comment:

  1. Aub,
    I like the curtains! Your house is really cute. you are a great decorator :)

    love, Aunt Diane
