This year for Halloween Dylan was a pirate! We bought his costume and it was a size to small, They had put a 12-18 Month size costume in a 24 month bag so his costume was pretty snug. Poor baby, But he didn't seem to mind. This year was the first year I was able to take Dylan trick or treating I was excited all month to be able to do this. Nicks grandma was taking us this year since Nick couldn't go and I didn't know the area well enough to go alone, She got to our house at about 4:30 she brought us dinner Stuffed shells and meat balls (it was soooo good). We left to go to Nicks dads house after Dylan got finished eating.. I had bought Dylan an eye patch to go with his costume but he would not wear it, So I found on the internet how to paint one on :) So when we got to Nicks dads house I started doing dylans face paint, He did not like me painting his face especially around his eye it was pretty difficult to do but after 45 minutes it was all finished and it turned out just how I had imagined it would :)

Around 7 we were off to go trick or treating :) Dylan loved it, He was so cute walking up to the houses with his little candy bucket. We walked a little over 2 miles that night so you can imagine how much candy we have! Dylan wanted to eat it all as he got it.

It was a fun night, But I was so exhausted and happy when the night came to an end :)
Oh my gosh! Dylan is so cute :) Aubrey, his make-up job is excellent. You are a natural.Looks like a very memorable Halloween.
~Aunt Diane