Oh what a horrible day I've had today....
Never in my life have I ever experienced something like this. This morning started off just like any other morning.. I woke up, Changed dylans diaper, and got him his breakfast. He likes to sit on the floor and watch tv in our bedroom while he eats his waffle so we were just sitting there and I heard a noise that sounded like it came from the kitchen I still am not sure what it was but it sounded like something broke.. I thought maybe for a second that Nick had got off work early and waited and watched down the hall expecting to see him walk out of the kitchen, When he didn't I called him to see if he came home when he said no- it was that second that fear took over me. I told him I thought someone was in our house I heard noises.. He told me to go check while he was on the phone with me, You know... There is nothing worse than thinking someone is in your house as you walk into a room expecting to see some stranger standing there.. But I had no choice. I got up and walked down the hall and I found noone was there I felt a sense of relief but not total relief.. I checked both doors to make sure they were locked and then walked back into my bedroom. It was about 5 minutes later I started to hear some noise from the kitchen again... It sounded like my cupboard was being opend slightly and shut, thats all I could hear over and over again, My first thought was OMG there is a ghost in my house messing with the cupboard door all the hairs on my neck were standing up.. Dylan ran out of the room before I could catch him and he was standing looking into the kitchen and it was like he was staring at something.. I watched him carefully sure he was staring at the ghost opening and closing the cupboard door.. and I decided I better go see what he saw, When I got to the kitchen I realized someone was trying to get into our house through the back door, and what I had been hearing was the crobar taking chunks of our door frame out.. I coughed really loud so they would hear me to see if that would scare them off buuut as soon as they heard me cough they started to move the door handle and it sounded like they were working faster. I've always wondered what I would do if I were ever in a situation like this.. I completly lost any sort of rational thinking, My thoughts were grab my baby and run.. And that is what I did I ran out the front door and there was the neighbor man outside smoking I asked him to help I was hysterical and a mess, He walked around front to see if he could see anything but he couldn't so he went around back and still saw noone... We have a charcoal grill and we had 2 bags of the ashes sitting on the steps one of these guys must have dumped it accidently and they stepped in it so the black rug we had outside had their shoe prints all over it.. I'm thankful they got that much because there were no finger prints and nothing left behind. The scariest thing to me is that they were almost in, they only needed a few more minutes and they would have been in.
My whole sense of security is gone, I don't know that I will ever feel safe again here.. Who knows what would have happened if they had got in..
The hardest part is feeling so unsafe and so alone all at the same time.. These are the times when I need my family around the most..
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