Friday Nick had the day off! But I had him running all over the place for me, I sold my gazelle, I just felt that I wasn't getting that great of a work out with it, and after 2 weeks and loosing only 3 pounds I was starting to get a little bit discouraged. So I put my gazelle up for sell on craigslist and it sold in a week, And now I got a cute little treadmill. We have a smaller apartment with no room for anything big, So when I saw this I had to have it. It is very small and folds up flat and i can just push it under the bed when im finished. It is a manual treadmill but I like this a whole lot better than the gazelle, It just feels more natural to be walking instead of swinging my legs back and fourth.
We got back home around 430 and had nothing else to do so it was time to just relax. around 730 we had pizza for dinner, That is Dylans favorite food he can eat 2 peices now! and he just sits and says mmmm the whole time he is eating it.
Look at that messy face!
I was just about to start reading when Nick came in the room and said "lets re arrange Dylans room" I have been on him for weeks wanting to re arrange he always says no he is too tired. But I guess when you have the whole day off and 9 pm rolls around and there is nothing to do you start to find things to do to pass the time. So thats what we did. I think it looks a whole lot better than before! Now I just gotta get him to throw away this brown recliner!
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