Saturday we went to the flea market, I love the flea market! There are so many different types of treasures you can find. It was a very hot day Saturday the hottest it has been all year, after about an hour at the flea market I was miserable so we left and stopped at baskin robins for some ice cream to cool us down.
We got home about 530, And Dylan was still just ready to go go go! He sat in his room and talked and talked as he played with his toys
I was in the kitchen getting all the stuff ready for dinner, Nick was using his new grill that he got for fathers day we were having hot dogs :) I realized how quiet it was and went to check on my little dilly bop.. And there he was asleep on the floor in the middle of all his toys, haha too cute!
Sunday we went over to Nick's dads house for a BBQ. He just bought 2 lab puppies.. The yellow lab is a girl and her name is sierra, and the black lap is a boy and his name is riley. They both just love Dylan, And I don't think Dylan really knows what to think of them! These 2 puppies follow him around everywhere. Sierra is a little wild and very playful. Riley is pretty calm and likes to sit next to dylan in the grass and catch the grass that dylan throws at him. Sierra likes to chew on dylan and he didn't like that one bit.. As soon as she started to chew on his hand he got up to walk away and she would jump up and grab his shirt and he'd fall to the ground and they thoought he was just playing with them so they'd jump on him, After that he had had enough, So we pulled out the kiddie pool for him to play in until after dinner.
Great grandma Joann came over around 3 and brought Dylan this cute little doodle thing, and a sand bucket and a shovel. He loved it.
We had dinner, hamburgers and hotdogs. And I made a macaroni salad. After dinner Nicks dad was going to take Dylan in the big pool..
While we waited we put him in the little one, He really likes when we turn the shower head on over his pool like its raining on him.
Dylan has alot of fun in the big pool, But because he LOVES to splash water... in the tube and on the floater thing he is very limited on how much he can splash, So he wanted out after about 30 minutes and wanted back into his own pool where he could splash as much as he'd like.
He made me laugh. He likes to try to catch those drops of water on his tongue, He did this so much, it was just so cute.
Overall we had a really great and fun Fathers Day weekend :)