I will be home in 5 days!!! I can not even describe how excited I am to be comming home for a month. I have been waiting for this day since 2 weeks after I got here haha.

Dylan grabbed my hair straightener when I was getting ready and burned his little fingers, We took him to the ER because of the way the burn had looked it really scared me. He was ok nothing too serious they just wrapped his arm and told us to leave it on for 24 hours. After that apply neosporin every day.

Hmmm what else is there... I learned how to cook chicken cutlets and they are my favorite chicken meal [ we have it every week now, haaaa :) ]
Last night I was alone alllll night, Nick had to work over night in Orlando. I think I put too much thought into it because it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipaited it to be. :)

We were driving home Sunday and we passed this cute little house that was up for rent, It is right around the corner from the apartment we live in now.. I called the lady yesterday and the monthly rent is only 50 dollars more than what we are paying now. Nick wants to do rent to own or just buy it, until we can move to Utah then we could put it up for sale. I am inlove with this house it is the perfect size for us and it has a really big back yard, Dylan loves to play outside and a yard is something we need for sure. I guess we will see what she says when she calls us back :) But I hope we end up getting it.