We bought new curtains today :) I've been wanting to get curtain since i moved in this place.. They look really good.. I want to get some kind of floral vine thing to wrap up around the top.. I just have to find a place that sells what i am looking for.
It feels so good to be able to be home relaxing. We've had such a busy weekend! Saturday we went to Old Navy to get Flip Flops for $1, It was just as bad as day after Thanksgiving shopping too many people in a store =/ .. Me and Nick went shopping and got some new clothes, I really needed some summer time clothes, Wearing jeans here in Florida just doesn't work. Its way to humid and it feels like my pants stick to my legs. Yuck!
We bought new curtains today :) I've been wanting to get curtain since i moved in this place.. They look really good.. I want to get some kind of floral vine thing to wrap up around the top.. I just have to find a place that sells what i am looking for.
We bought new curtains today :) I've been wanting to get curtain since i moved in this place.. They look really good.. I want to get some kind of floral vine thing to wrap up around the top.. I just have to find a place that sells what i am looking for.
Not too much has been going on today, We started our day off going to exchange our new comforter.. The one we had got was a navy blue but it just didn't look right so we took it back and got the white one that i really wanted :D It was a little more expensive but worth it. I bought a down comfoter years ago and ever since then I just can't sleep with anything else, And they are so expensive. Luckily we found this one on sale for 109 dollars, It has the sateen stripes and 450 thread count so its super soft. Our room has been neglegted as far as decorating goes. We've always bought stuff for the living room or dylans room.. So our new project is the bedroom, We're just going to take it slow buying a few things every week so hopefully it will be done in a month haha..
Then we took Dylan to the puppy store, I wish I had brought my camera. He goes crazy for the puppies.. I just want a puppy soooo bad! one day though! :)
Nick's grandma came by this morning to bring over the pictures she had bought for us, When we had our family pictures taken Dylan was throwing a fit and we just wanted to get out of there so we didn't really pay to much attention to picking out the pictures we wanted and later realized there were some pictures we really wanted, So his grandma bought them for us online, And we got them today :) now our wall isn't empty anymore.

After his grandma left we went grocery shopping, Came home ate lunch and then we were off to go shopping.
I have been wanting to make a little decoration to hang over the entry to the hallway for awhile now, So today Nick took me to michaels to get the stuff I needed.
It turned out pretty cute :)

After we left there, We went to Target and ended up getting some really cute outfits and flip flops for Dylan.
Then we were off to bed bath and beyond to get a new comforter and sheets, It was definaltly time to get some less masculine bedding ;) It had been such a long day for the little dilly bop. When we got home we sat him on the couch with a blanket and me and Nick went to put our new bedding on when we came back out, Dylan had fallen asleep on the couch ( I was wondering why he was being so quiet)

After his grandma left we went grocery shopping, Came home ate lunch and then we were off to go shopping.
I have been wanting to make a little decoration to hang over the entry to the hallway for awhile now, So today Nick took me to michaels to get the stuff I needed.
It turned out pretty cute :)
After we left there, We went to Target and ended up getting some really cute outfits and flip flops for Dylan.
Then we were off to bed bath and beyond to get a new comforter and sheets, It was definaltly time to get some less masculine bedding ;) It had been such a long day for the little dilly bop. When we got home we sat him on the couch with a blanket and me and Nick went to put our new bedding on when we came back out, Dylan had fallen asleep on the couch ( I was wondering why he was being so quiet)
Today I got to visit with my Aunt Norma and Uncle Chris... They came to Tampa from Cocoa Beach. They got here at 2, We went and grabbed a light lunch and then went on a tour of Tampa. Dylan has started this new thing he likes to stick his fingers down his throat till he gags. He kept doing it and doing it until he threw up all over himself and the carseat.. We ended up pulling over in the wendy's parking lot and cleaning out his carseat and cleaning him up. After that big ordeal we went back to my house to wait for nick and get dylan into some clean clothes.
Nick got home about 6, We went to dinner at Cody's Roadhouse. I love that place the inside of that restraunt has such a nice atmosphere. We had a really good visit.
It was so nice to see family, It's been 2 months since I have seen any of my family.. And I think it was just something that I needed. I try to avoid thinking about this and talking about it because it just makes me want to cry, But I really do miss home. It is extremely hard to just move away from all you have ever known. From all your family and friends. A small town girl moving to a big city, I have always been one to not go do anything alone, If I had to do it alone I would just not do it. But I have been doing quite a few things alone, which is huge for me. If nothing else at least I can say that I have grown from this experience.
I love having my family together, It is so nice to see Dylan with his dad. And having that extra help has been great. I just wish I didn't have to be so far away to have my family together. Just seeing the way Dylans face lights up when he see's his dad, That is my motivation to make this work. And I know we won't live here forever, That is what keeps me going.
I have been having a really rough time these last 2 weeks, missing my family. Wanting to see my mom and all my family. I've had some pretty down days. And then my mom called me about my aunt Norma wanting to come out here to visit, It couldn't have come at a better time, I saw some of my family, Part of what I am used to and i think it gave me enough to make it until August when I can come home for a visit! :) I can't wait for August to be here.
Nick got home about 6, We went to dinner at Cody's Roadhouse. I love that place the inside of that restraunt has such a nice atmosphere. We had a really good visit.
It was so nice to see family, It's been 2 months since I have seen any of my family.. And I think it was just something that I needed. I try to avoid thinking about this and talking about it because it just makes me want to cry, But I really do miss home. It is extremely hard to just move away from all you have ever known. From all your family and friends. A small town girl moving to a big city, I have always been one to not go do anything alone, If I had to do it alone I would just not do it. But I have been doing quite a few things alone, which is huge for me. If nothing else at least I can say that I have grown from this experience.
I love having my family together, It is so nice to see Dylan with his dad. And having that extra help has been great. I just wish I didn't have to be so far away to have my family together. Just seeing the way Dylans face lights up when he see's his dad, That is my motivation to make this work. And I know we won't live here forever, That is what keeps me going.
I have been having a really rough time these last 2 weeks, missing my family. Wanting to see my mom and all my family. I've had some pretty down days. And then my mom called me about my aunt Norma wanting to come out here to visit, It couldn't have come at a better time, I saw some of my family, Part of what I am used to and i think it gave me enough to make it until August when I can come home for a visit! :) I can't wait for August to be here.
Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day! :) It was my first Mothers Day with my family together this year. Nick let me sleep in today. When I woke up I had a dozen pink and red roses, A mothers day card from both of my boys :) and I got a gift certificate for a day at the spa :D
Around 12:30 We headed over to Nicks dad's house to go swimming and have lunch. Dylan had so much fun swimming.
Later on we're going to Nick's Grandma's house for dinner.. So I'll post new pictures from then later.
Digital Scrapbooking.

We used to scrapbook every sunday, All of us girls would get together and scrapbook for hours. It was so much fun, I've always loved to scrapbook. I'm not sure exactly why we stopped scrapbooking, But I sure do miss it- Especially now that I have a baby and a ton of pictures :)
After joining the blogger world and looking through blogs, I found out about digital scrapbooking, I got everything I needed to start doing this. So far it's been really fun and ALOT less messy.
I've only made 2 pages so far but I love it!

Today I was taking pictures of my house to show to my sister.. And when I uploaded them and started to look at them, I noticed these white spots. I've watched plenty of shows about ghosts to remember that these could possibly be ghosts! And if you know me, It has me completly freaked out!
Orbs are believed (by many) to be ghosts in the form of balls of light. They are life forms that travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a physical body here on earth. Psychics claim to talk to them on a regular basis, and ghost hunters encounter them quite frequently. It is said that they are those spirits that have willingly stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life or previous location for whatever reason
Ghostly orbs are the most photographed anomalies caught on film by ghost hunters and are quite photogenic (when they want to be). They can be completely transparent or display themselves in a bright solid form. It is not hard to capture them on film in their circular form. It is theorized that ghosts prefer the form of an Orb (ball of light) because it takes less energy thus being the mode of choice among the ghosts.
Sleepy Baby
Dylan hasn't done this in awhile..
We ate dinner, And dylan wasn't quite finished so me and nick went to smoke, We leave the door open so that we can watch him. And he was being pretty quiet, Usually he is rambling on and on. We came back in and he was asleep in his highchair. :) It's funny how fast they can go from being wide awake to out like a light.
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